In general, I don't like interactive novels. I find most of them to be visually lazy to a point where I would have respected them more as text adventures, and this is coming from a guy who just finished enjoying a playthrough of Kid Niki on the NES. Have you seen the MS Paint quality backgrounds of that game? I haven't looked at something that hideous since I walked past a mirror, and I try my darnedest to avoid making that mistake as often as possible. Does a person disappear if his reflection kills itself? I don't want to find out firsthand, but I'm also getting tired of having to talk mine out of trying every time it sees my face. I haven't played Unlikable Us, because there's probably a mirror in it somewhere... or because I dislike that particular sub-genre of adventure games. I guess I could have stopped typing at that first sentence, because everything else I added has nothing to do with anything. You know what? Don't read past that first sentence. There. Now, I don't have to worry about wasting your time with a wall of brain-numbing gibberish. I forgot what I was typing about.
In general, I don't like interactive novels. I find most of them to be visually lazy to a point where I would have respected them more as text adventures, and this is coming from a guy who just finished enjoying a playthrough of Kid Niki on the NES. Have you seen the MS Paint quality backgrounds of that game? I haven't looked at something that hideous since I walked past a mirror, and I try my darnedest to avoid making that mistake as often as possible. Does a person disappear if his reflection kills itself? I don't want to find out firsthand, but I'm also getting tired of having to talk mine out of trying every time it sees my face. I haven't played Unlikable Us, because there's probably a mirror in it somewhere... or because I dislike that particular sub-genre of adventure games. I guess I could have stopped typing at that first sentence, because everything else I added has nothing to do with anything. You know what? Don't read past that first sentence. There. Now, I don't have to worry about wasting your time with a wall of brain-numbing gibberish. I forgot what I was typing about.
Okay, thanks.